Monster XP Blog
Just #WatchMe

Celebrating the talented female athletes at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, Secret invited fans to cheer on their favorite female athletes in Central Park as part of their #WatchMe Campaign.
SECRET unveiled “Just #WatchMe” on the bleachers in the heart of NYC in Central Park. Secret empowered female fans from all walks of life with a front row seat to “Support, Encourage and Watch” Olympic Women athletes compete while at Merchants Gate Plaza. Elite female athletes are told they don’t get as many viewers as male athletes. Not the case for SECRET! With only 4% of media sports coverage dedicated to women, Secret filled the bleachers with girls, women and moms to watch their favorite female athletes compete in the Olympic Games.
Monster XP partnered with Posterscope and Taylor Strategy to bring the Watch Me Campaign to life for Secret. Monster XP live-streamed on a larger-than-life video wall all the major Women’s Olympics events for the day, including the USWNT Soccer Game and US Gymnastics Women’s Team Final. We were also excited to host some Olympians and influential faces in Women’s sports as well as youth sports teams to celebrate this public broadcast.
Check out the full campaign recap via the video below.
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